Community of ChristChurch
Faith News 12.29
Online Interactive Worship
  with Holy Communion   
Jan 1, 2023, at 9:30 am
News & Announcements:

Gather with others from around the synod as we "do theology" together, seeking inspiration from Lutheran theologians, our communities, and beyond. Guest instructors will join us each week to share a theological nugget: a lens through which we will be invited to see, practice, and reflect as we go about our daily lives. Then we'll come back together to share, wonder, and explore meaning-making as beloved children of God. 

This online course will meet on seven Thursday evenings from 6:30-8 pm beginning January 5 and then on one Tuesday evening, February 21. The course is designed with a Lutheran lens and inclusive heart; all are welcome.  Course participants and/or their congregations are encouraged to donate, as they are able, on a sliding scale between $20-$160, but donations are not required to participate. Register here.
Community of ChristChurch

This is Christ's church. There is a place for you here.

Online Worship Logistics: 

The online doors to our Zoom worship will open at 9:00am. From 9am to 9:30am, the worship space will be open for folks to gather and get settled in. Our worship service will begin at 9:30am.  Communion is part of our worship.  Full details on how to join our online worship are found here.
Mailing address:
 Community of ChristChurch

3300 NW 185th Ave #224
Portland, OR 97229

(503) 617-9526
Pastor David Eppelsheimer  

Rhonda Powell: Administrative &
Communications Coordinator
Online office hours
T & TH: 8am -5 pm & F 12pm-5pm
We are a Reconciling in Christ Congregation. We are a faith community that is committed to the welcome, inclusion, celebration, and advocacy for people of all sexual orientations, gender identities, and gender expressions; that work for racial equity and are committed to antiracism. Find out more here.
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Community of ChristChurch 3300 NW 185th Ave #224 Portland, OR 97229 - Copyright © 2022 Community of ChristChurch, All rights reserved.

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