Community of ChristChurch
Faith News 12.22.22 |
Combined In-Person Worship
with Holy Communion
Dec 24, 2022, at 5:00 pm
The Advent season is already upon us!
Sunday, November 27th, a new church year began.
The season of Advent, a time of waiting and wondering, is here.
We encourage you to begin thinking about how you are going to mark the weeks and days of Advent in your homes. If the idea of an Advent Wreath is new to you, here is all you really need to know: The key components to any Advent Wreath are four candles, one for each week of the season, plus a fifth ‘Christ’ candle to be lit on Christmas Eve.
We light the first candle on the first Sunday in Advent, the first and second candles on the second Sunday, and so on. As the name “wreath” suggests, some kinds of greens, in the form of a wreath, traditionally surround the candles. Typically, the candles are blue or purple to match the liturgical color of the season - and sometimes the third candle is pink. You choose which ever color of candle suits your mood for this season.
How ever you choose to mark the weeks of Hope, Peace, Joy and Love in your homes this year, we hope you will consider placing them in your sacred Zoom worship space so that we can share them with one another. We will light the Advent Wreath candles toward the beginning of each worship service in Advent beginning this Sunday. Let's wait and wonder together, Sunday mornings at 9:30 am on Zoom.
We are extending the following giving campaign until December 24th. You are welcome to still bring warm coats, hats, gloves, socks, and underwear for houseless youth. Bring to the Christmas Eve In person Worship at Calvary Lutheran Church. |
Washington County Covid Risk is still low - which means masks are not required but recommended.
If you are unable to join in person,
here is the link to join us on YouTube. |

Gather with others from around the synod as we "do theology" together, seeking inspiration from Lutheran theologians, our communities, and beyond. Guest instructors will join us each week to share a theological nugget: a lens through which we will be invited to see, practice, and reflect as we go about our daily lives. Then we'll come back together to share, wonder, and explore meaning-making as beloved children of God.
This online course will meet on seven Thursday evenings from 6:30-8 pm beginning January 5 and then on one Tuesday evening, February 21. The course is designed with a Lutheran lens and inclusive heart; all are welcome. Course participants and/or their congregations are encouraged to donate, as they are able, on a sliding scale between $20-$160, but donations are not required to participate. Register here. |
Community of ChristChurch
This is Christ's church. There is a place for you here.
Online Worship Logistics:
Mailing address:
Community of ChristChurch
3300 NW 185th Ave #224
Portland, OR 97229
(503) 617-9526
Communications Coordinator
Online office hours
We are a Reconciling in Christ Congregation. We are a faith community that is committed to the welcome, inclusion, celebration, and advocacy for people of all sexual orientations, gender identities, and gender expressions; that work for racial equity and are committed to antiracism. Find out more here. |
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Our Facebook page is updated on a regular basis. Please feel free to share our posts with friends, or have a shoutout for something you heard in worship. tag @Community of ChristChurch in your posts! |
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