Community of ChristChurch
Faith News 06.22.23
Online Interactive Worship with Holy Communion   
June 252023, at 9:30 am
For the most current bulletin, wait until Saturday night to download
News & Announcements:
Hope you all can make it to the Annual Congregational Meeting after the service.  We do understand if you are not able to so the meeting will be available on the same Zoom link as the hybrid worship service.  You will be able to vote online as well. 
A letter from Pastor David and a copy of the proposed Fiscal Year 2024 Budget was mailed out to all voting members on Tuesday. If you did not receive it, please let our Administrative Assistant know at

Dear friends,

Rhonda and I will be traveling to Italy this Sunday afternoon (following the Annual Meeting) with our daughters and their spouses. We will be out of the country from June 25th to July 11th.

While I am gone, Rev. Julia Nielsen (Methodist Deacon, Leaven Land & Housing Coalition) will preach and help lead Zoom worship on July 2nd and Rev. John Reutter- Harrah (retired Lutheran pastor) will do so on July 9th. Rev. Rachel Kramer (new pastor at Calvary Lutheran in Hillsboro) will cover any pastoral emergencies while I am out of the country. If you are in need of emergency pastoral care while I am away, simply call the ChristChurch phone number (503-617-9526) and press 4 when prompted. Your call will be redirected to Pastor Rachel’s cell phone.


Pastor David

Guest Speaker July 2, 2023
Rev. Julia (Jules) Nielson 

Rev. Julia 'Jules' Nielsen serves as an ordained Deacon in the United Methodist Church, where she leads the Leaven Community Land & Housing Coalition, a collective of faith communities learning how to practice sacred organizing and steward their land for the benefit of their neighbors and communities across Oregon.


Jules believes deeply in God’s power to embrace, equip, and employ all of God’s children for the work of the Kingdom in whatever context they find themselves and that every person can transform their corner of the world alongside God using their natural gifts of curiosity, compassion, and risk-taking creativity.

She currently lives in SE Portland, Oregon, with her spouse Chris and spends too much time gardening, antiques hunting, and singing karaoke. She will tell you all about her hedgehog Junie if you dare to ask.

There are some email scams going around again.  Luckily, we have not received any lately but other churches have.  This is just a reminder that we will never ask for your personal information, money, or gift cards through email.  If you receive an email from someone in the church asking for any of those things, especially Pastor David or Rhonda Powell, do not respond.  Contact one of us immediately.  You are always welcome to bring to our attention any concerns you may have.  
Community of ChristChurch

This is Christ's church. There is a place for you here.

Online Worship Logistics: 

The online doors to our Zoom worship will open at 9:00am. From 9am to 9:30am, the worship space will be open for folks to gather and get settled in. Our worship service will begin at 9:30am.  Communion is part of our worship.  Full details on how to join our online worship are found here.
Mailing address:
 Community of ChristChurch

3300 NW 185th Ave #224
Portland, OR 97229

(503) 617-9526
Pastor David Eppelsheimer  

Rhonda Powell: Administrative &
Communications Coordinator
Online office hours
T & TH: 8am -5 pm & F 12pm-5pm
We are a Reconciling in Christ Congregation. We are a faith community that is committed to the welcome, inclusion, celebration, and advocacy for people of all sexual orientations, gender identities, and gender expressions; that work for racial equity and are committed to antiracism. Find out more here.
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Community of ChristChurch 3300 NW 185th Ave #224 Portland, OR 97229 - Copyright © 2022 Community of ChristChurch, All rights reserved.

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